Re: [AD] native image loaders

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On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:41 PM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> al_load_bitmap(filename, const char *type)
>>> * if type is null, auto detect based on extension
> Hmm. I have to say I don't really like an extra argument that I don't really see the use of. Especially if we already have al_load_bitmap_f() that does pretty much that already.
> When and why would that extra argument be useful in practice?
You would need it if there were no explicit al_load_type()

al_load_bitmap("foo"); // which handler to call?
al_load_bitmap("foo.dat"); // extension changed

But in real usage that would rarely happen because most common image
types will have extensions, in which case there could be this format:

al_load_bitmap_type("foo", ".png");

It's a convenience method for:

ALLEGRO_FILE *f = al_fopen("foo", "rb");
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bmp = al_load_bitmap_f(f, ".png");

The purpose of getting rid of explicit functions is to make sure the
image add-on always has the same public API, regardless of what is
loaded into it. I also think it simply looks ugly to have all of those
functions when they aren't really needed.

> Although it actually annoyes me that I have to do something extra to load a .ogg file in the audio addon.

Peter Wang:
> I think it would be annoying.  I definitely want to see PNG/JPEG in the
> main allegro_image addon.  allegro_image can support further formats on
> different platform if they come "for free", though we should strongly
> encourage developers to stick to PNG/JPEG/BMP/TGA/PCX for portability.
> If acodec were all-inclusive and was without explicit loaders, you wouldn't have to.
I'm currently of the opinion that both image and audio add-ons should work like:

* no explicit functions (e.g., load_bmp, load_pcx, load_ogg)
* everything supported at compile time is part of the acodec/image addon
* if you want to add extra formats that aren't deemed worthy of
inclusion into Allegro proper, you can make your own add-on. But by
rule, any officially supported format would be part of acodec/image.
* [optional] some way to query which formats are supported (probably a
list of registered handlers by extension)
* the docs mention which platforms support which formats

This would mean ogg/flac/modaudio would be rolled into one single
'acodec' addon. And of course, none of them would be required to build

It would be trivial for somebody to create (e.g.) allegro_ogg (or just
include the C source file directly with their program) if they wanted
to have conditional support. There would be no name collisions if
somebody else then linked your program with a version of acodec that
already contained ogg; the worst that would happen is the register PNG
call would fail because allegro_init_acodec_addon() would have already
registered. (Or you could register yours first.)

On Windows, I've tested it and there's no problem with linking against
static ogg / flac libs, such that you wouldn't be forced to distribute
extra DLLs when you don't use the functionality. So I don't see
all-in-one modules being troublesome, and in fact, I think it makes it
easier to use since you could then query what functionality is

Matthew Leverton

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