Re: [AD] native image loaders |
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I think it would be annoying. I definitely want to see PNG/JPEG in the main allegro_image addon.
some of us use allegro as 'a library', not a framework. a library should not have multiple extra dependencies that themselves require version control in-order to get allegro to work/run/compile. if you see allegro as a framework, then lots of dependancies is simply what defines a framework... i'd really like dependencies kept to a bare minimum if allegro is to be considered 'a library'.
allegro_image can support further formats on different platform if they come "for free", though we should strongly encourage developers to stick to PNG/JPEG/BMP/TGA/PCX for portability.
for the sake of not spreading limited developer resources so thin you get less attention paid to what really matters.
if only PNG was supported but had 5 more features, that'd be *far* superior to 5 formats doing the same 1 thing.
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