Re: [AD] implementing seek

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On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> But you just told it to seek to the end, the slice obviously has data in it,
> so it should seek to the end.
It depends on your perspective. I don't know that either view can be
considered "correct," In fact, it may need to be something that the
programmer chooses. e.g., perhaps:

fp = al_fopen_slice(fp, 0); // unbounded, parent size is not considered
fp = al_fopen_slice(fp, 1 .. UINT_MAX - 1); // bounded
fp = al_fopen_slice(fp, UINT_MAX); // unbounded, parent size is taken
into consideration

Matthew Leverton

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