Re: [AD] acodec proposal

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On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I suppose the only real downside to your solution is that adding more codecs would
> mean a new version of allegro, rather than a simple copy of a new loadable
> plugin.
Any updated and new first-party add-ons would essentially require a
new version of Allegro anyway, from a practical standpoint (since they
are all versioned and bundled with Allegro core). Plus all of the
loading/saving interface code is going to be pretty light and
hopefully bug free by the time 5 comes out...

Users could still add their own custom formats, and it wouldn't affect
any third party add-ons. Any call made to al_register_sample_loader()
before a file of that type is loaded guarantees that your loader will
be called.

Matthew Leverton

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