Re: [AD] Is this a misconfiguration on OS X?

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On Sun, 2010-02-14 at 9:06am, "Evert Glebbeek" <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 13 Feb 2010, at 17:56 , Trent Gamblin wrote:
>> Here's a patch. Maybe Evert can verify if this is actually correct 
>> behaviour
>> on OS X.
> I guess.
> What does the added INSTALL_NAME_DIR line do and why is it needed?

On os x if you look at an executable with otool -L it lists the libraries
including paths to them. INSTALL_NAME_DIR sets that path inside a
library somehow. I don't know why it's needed, except in the case of
building an .app application, where you can use install_name_tool to
change the library reference to something like
@executable_path/../Frameworks so it knows where to find the
executable. I guess if you compile allegro, install it, and then delete
the svn directory, your compiled programs will still be looking for the
library within the svn dir... something like that.


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