Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[12930] allegro/branches/4.9/addons/image

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On 19 Feb 2010, at 15:02 , Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> I'm going to see if this works on OS X too.
> When last I looked at this I couldn't figure out how to get the data in any other format than an NSImage, which seemed a bit useless.

Ok, I did figure out how to make it work based on Elias' iPhone code, although I had to make a couple of changes.
It's annoying, the interfaces are so similar that you'd think Apple would make them actually the same. I guess that would actually make things easy though. :P
I committed a native loader for OS X. It always creates images in a "generic RGB colour space". Using Elias' code exactly I can't load 8-bit (palette) bitmaps; apparently that's not a valid colour space.

When Allegro has its own loader for an image format that the native loader also supports, Allegro's loader is unloaded and the native loader is registered in its place. That is easily changed if we find that this is not desirable afterall.

With this change, libpng and libjpg are no longer needed on OS X. We could opt for having a configure option that allows them to be used afterall.


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