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I wonder how well that approach would work under X11 and Windows. Maybe
we should encourage it over modifying the display itself? (I still would
like a way to toggle the fullscreen property of X11 windows since it
just works so nicely here...)
> > I wouldn't mind having additional extra functions though, they could
> > simply call al_toggle_display_flag.
> I guess they should do either that, or call a platform-specific
> function in case it's not as simple as toggling a flag. Yes, the
> toggle_display_flag() could take care of that internally when more
> work is needed but I think that's a bit messy.
Extra functions all would have awkward names though..
al_display_span_whole_screen(bool yesno)
al_make_display_fill_desktop(bool yesno)
al_resize_display_to_fullscreen(bool yesno)
al_set_display_fake_fullscreen(bool yesno)
And al_toggle_display_flag() already calls internal functions for
changing the frame (in the X11/XGL/D3D implementations all they do for
now is call the vtable entry of the removed al_toggle_window_frame). I
don't think that's messy.
Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>