Re: [AD] Importing Amiga Allegro

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On 03/01/2010, you wrote:
>> And double check the output of the above to see only the files which
>> should be are added/modified. And finally:
>> svn ci -m"Added Amiga port...add other info here..."
> Please post a diff first.

Attached.  There is no makefile yet because we don't have cmake on the Amiga
and thus far my releases have all been against 4.3.10, so I only upgraded
to 4.4 in order to get the source into svn (the 4.3.10 tree seems to have
disappeared).  I'm really submitting it mainly because it's been on my HD
for 12 months and I want to get it into the public domain.

[Hitman/Code HQ - 6502/z80/68000/604e/80x86/ARM coder - Amiga rulez!]
[VZ-200/VIC-20/MZ-700/c16/c64*10/c128*8/Plus-4/CPC464/CD32/500*2    ]
[600/1000/1200*2/A4000/SNES/N64/Dreamcast/Athlon 1100/AmigaOne      ]
[Assembly Language: The most fun you can have with your clothes on! ]

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