Re: [AD] thoughts on a release

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On Tue January 19 2010, Peter Wang wrote:
> So, activity on 4.9 been a bit low for a few months.  Probably everyone
> has more interesting things to do.  Perhaps the library is in pretty
> good shape.  I have been wondering if we should seriously consider
> making a 5.0 release soon, i.e. in a few months.
> *If* we were to do that, what changes would be critical to you?
> What features would you be happy to put off?  Note that Allegro 5.2
> doesn't have to be a long time in coming, but nor is it guaranteed that
> 5.2 would ever come out.
> I'll start.
> - al_get_errno/al_set_errno are not used consistently yet.  I suggest
>   hiding them as private functions until the work is completed.
> - The custom memory management functions are also not used consistently,
>   and may be put off for later.

Another thing that's arguably as important as those, is a "capabilities" 
framework, so people can query what they can, and can't do on a given 

> Peter
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