Re: [AD] Problems with Allegro 4.4

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On Sat, 02 Jan 2010 15:55:19 +0000 Arthur Ward <lists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It is checking for a *precise* match between the version of Allegro
> the the game was compiled against and the current version of
> Allegro.  So this means that all of my games have a version of
> 0x040300 and the new Allegro library has a version of 0x040400 so it
> won't run.  Surely this is not right?  Surely a new version of
> Allegro such as 4.4 should be binary compatible with an older version
> such as 4.3?  So games compiled with 4.3 should run against the 4.4
> binary without requiring recompilation?

Backward compatibility is guaranteed only for stable (4.0, 4.2, 4.4)
versions which have same major and minor version numbers, e.g. program
compiled with 4.2.1 would work with 4.2.2 shared library.

See these chapters in documentation:
# API compatibility information
# ABI compatibility information 

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