Re: [AD] Deferred bitmap drawing diff

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On Mon, November 9, 2009 5:01 pm, Paul Suntsov said:
> So, I implemented the aforementioned deferred bitmap drawing feature for the OpenGL driver. The
> diff for it is attached. I temporarily modified the ex_ttf example to have the option of using it
> for drawing the fonts. Press space to turn it on/off. I'm curious what improvement you all can see
> with it. For me, the FPS increases from ~700 to ~1050. If it's a significant improvement, then I
> figure I can go ahead and do some more serious tests to make sure I broke nothing, and commit it,
> so any comments on how I implemented it are very welcome too.
> Keep in mind that this only works for OpenGL at this time, so if you're on Windows, you'll need
> fiddle with the configuration file accordingly.

I already mentioned this to Paul on IRC, but in case anyone is interested, I got about a 37% speed
increase with the patch on osx/nvidia (from 270 to 370 (intergrated chip)).

Trent :{)>

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