Re: [AD] 4.9 docs

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On 2009-09-16, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As you may already be aware, I've started hosting a copy of the 4.9 docs at 
> that update up to twice a day. The 
> problem I'm having right now is the function prototypes aren't making it into 
> my copy. And I can't follow that mess of bash and awk that is currently used, 
> to figure out why the docs are not getting generated properly.
> Does anyone know why that might be happening? (Peter, maybe you know?)

In your `Build/docs' directory there should be a file called `protos'
with the prototypes extracted.  For testing you can run `make gen_protos'
to generate it manually, or simply run this to see if there is any
output at all:

    awk -f docs/scripts/make_protos.awk src/*.c


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