Re: [AD] user data for timers

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On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm not very opposed to it, but my concern is that we'll start getting
> requests for userdata for a bunch of other objects, which could get very
> silly.  Why timers and not others?
The honest, but unhelpful, response is because timers are the only
objects I've wanted to attach user data to.

Limiting the discussion to event source objects, there are:
* Keyboard, Mice: only one per system, so not useful
* Joystick: al_get_joystick_number(source) already identifies the object.
* Display: 99% of the time I'd only have one, so it's not very likely
I'd need data associated with it.
* User: already can do it.

Alternatively, this more general purpose function would suit me:

void al_register_event_source_with_data(ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *queue,
  ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE *source, void *data)

where the current rules about a queue / source being unique still
apply. Then it could be accessed via

That would be sufficient for my purposes because I only need a user
data field to quickly identify the object associated with the timer
during event ticks without having to maintain some sort of lookup map.

Matthew Leverton

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