Re: [AD] iphone port |
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On 12 Aug 2009, at 11:53 , Evert Glebbeek wrote:
Ah, good point! I forgot about this, but I think we can (and probably should) do the same on regular OS X.
Actually, a quick check reveals that using the OS X native image loader, we should be able to load any of the following (not sure what some of these are though):
pdf, pic, pct, pict, ps, epsi, epsf, epi, eps, xbm, hdr, exr, cr2, dcr, dng, srf, nef, crw, raf, orf, mrw, icns, qti, qtif, tga, targa, rgb, sgi, psd, mac, pnt, pntg, fpix, fpx, png, gif, jpg, jpeg, cur, ico, bmp, fax, tif, tiff
Should be simple enough to add a native OS X image loader and it would mean that we can get rid of some external dependencies on OS X.
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