Re: [AD] Meaning of the texture coordinates for the primitives addon

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On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 16:52 +0200, Anders Andersson wrote:
> I think it may be good to support both 0-1 and 0-bitmap_size. Why choose one?

Supporting both (but with default being pixels) doesn't sound bad. Maybe
have an al_use_texture_transform function?

The reason I think pixels should be the default is for consistency with
the screen coordinates, which which default to pixel positions. And
those are good to default to pixel coordinates because many users will
assume them. (Those who don't will find al_use_transform anyway.)

Also, related to this, I think we should either move al_use_transform to
core or move the bitmap drawing functions to the primitives addon -
al_draw_bitmap() and al_draw_line() shouldn't really use different
coordinate systems.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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