Re: [AD] mingw, static, tls

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On Fri, July 17, 2009 6:07 pm, Matthew Leverton said:
> In an attempt to profile the slow allegro fonts, I've finally gotten
> allegro to actually compile a usable profile mode. (Man vs Machine).
> Shared profile didn't seem to give me any profile information, despite
> -pg being passed everywhere (after manually editing some link.txt
> files).
> So I went with a static profile, and noticed that mingw32 static
> doesn't work. I assume this is a known bug because it just crashes on
> the display code, but it took me a while to figure out what was going
> on since I'm not familiar with A5's internals.

If you're using gcc < 4 you can't compile a static lib with MinGW.
It doesn't support native TLS.

Trent :{)>

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