Re: [AD] Allegro 4.4.0 RC1 on ARM

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On Tue, July 21, 2009 5:21 am, Peter Wang said:
> Hi,
> Well, this is not really news as Debian and others have been making
> Allegro packages for arm processors for ages.
> Allegro 4.4.0 RC1 compiled out of the box on a Sheevaplug running a port
> of Slackware.  Everything seems to work fine [1].  There's some
> graphical glitches when some things (especially fonts) are drawn
> directly to the screen, but that seems to be due to VNC.  Double
> buffering fixes it.
> So, yeah, pretty cool :)
> Peter
> [1] I didn't test sound, joystick, GL.

Since we're on the topic of ARM, I've been working on a port of 4.9 to
the GP2X Wiz. It's working quite well already, with graphics, "basic"
OpenGL, joystick, sound, etc. I'm porting one of my games and most
things just work right now.

Trent :{)>

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