Re: [AD] Splitting filesystem APIs

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On 2009-04-19, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun April 19 2009, Peter Wang wrote:
> >
> > or more realistically,
> >
> >     next = al_readdir(entry);
> >     if (!next)
> >         break;
> >     filename = al_path_to_string(al_get_entry_name(next), '/');
> >     al_load_bitmap(filename, "bmp");
> >     al_destroy_entry(next);
> >
> > The calls to al_open_entry/al_fopen and al_close_entry/al_fclose correspond
> > exactly!  There is some ugliness because right now al_get_entry_name()
> > happens to return an ALLEGRO_PATH instead of a string, but that's easily
> > solved. Basically, no real impact either way.
> Except once you split the two types, you can't return any kind of handle from 
> readdir, remember it can return files and directories. What exactly is it 
> returning in your code examples?

ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY still returns stat information about both files and
directories.  I left out the part where you check the file criteria to
see if you want to load it:

    next = al_readdir(entry);
    if (!next)
    if (!al_is_file(next))

> Also your code is rather less realistic than you'd like to think. If you 
> already have a handle, whats the point in using a second one via 
> al_load_bitmap?

Already explained this.  It's clearer and less error prone.

> Now add some actual logic to your code to handle all the 
> errors, and that loading code is probably going to want to look at the stat 
> info.

Like what?  Please show a concrete example.


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