Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[12053] allegro/branches/4.9/examples/nihgui.cpp

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Peter Wang wrote:
I think we should take the substring parameters off al_draw_text() and
expose a version of it that takes a ustr instead.  If you need to draw a
substring you can wrap it in a ustr quite easily.

    void al_draw_text(const ALLEGRO_FONT *font, float x, float y, int flags,
       const char *text);

    void al_draw_ustr(const ALLEGRO_FONT *font, float x, float y, int flags,
       const ALLEGRO_USTR *text);

The people who didn't like the count parameter should be happy as well
(that includes me after the count parameter became start/end).

Yes. Previously I always thought you could just use al_draw_text(..., al_cstr(ustr)) but apparently that's not true for sub-strings (because there is no terminating 0). So I'd prefer this now as well.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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