Re: [AD] Clarifying and revising filesystem API

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Peter Hull wrote:
I thought the intent was that each add-in provided a function that
returned a directory-style AL_FS_ENTRY and then other entries
contained within could opened using that as the root.
e.g AL_FS_ENTRY* open_zipfile(const char* filename);

Regarding chdir, on osx we had a 'magic chdir' which started us off in
the resource dir of the application bundle. That was quite useful I

I like that. We will need a function like this then:

AL_FS_ENTRY *al_create_fs_entry_from_archive(AL_FS_ENTRY *archive, char const *path)

so e.g.

zip = al_open_zipfile("")
picture_file = al_create_fs_entry_from_archive(zip, "mysha.png")
picture = al_load_bitmap_entry(picture)

I think I could live with that. However, it means al_load_bitmap() would never be able to use anything but the stdio filesystem - which is very different from the original intent.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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