Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11750] allegro/branches/4.9/src/x

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Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:

/me thinks somehting is wrong:

moose@xxxxxxxxxx$ ./ex_prim
Assert failed at line 215 of /home/moose/.projects/allegro.git/src/display_new.c

allegro.log seems to say its picking "Visual 21" which has this to say for itself: display_settings INFO: Single Buffer requirement not met.

I'm not sure how its picking a format that its already rejected.

That is wrong.

And why does it seem to be wanting a SINGLEBUFFER display by default to begin with? (ex_prim doesn't seem to request any specific display flags).

No, SINGLEBUFFER requirement is set to 0 (off) by default. That is the requirement.

Many examples are now Asserting, or just plain drawing wrong. ex_opengl draws a solid green display. ex_glext seems to be unaffected, but ex_bitmap is asserting and ex_expose and ex_scale are segfaulting.

All works here. Both GLX <1.3 and >=1.3 paths. What is your GLX version? Which drivers? Do AllegroGL apps work?

Post a complete log, maybe I'll see something in it.

Milan Mimica

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