Re: [AD] al_font function names

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On Sat March 21 2009, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> I think instead of al_font_load_font the function should be just
> al_load_font, and in general:
> al_font_destroy_font -> al_destroy_font
> al_font_grab_font_from_bitmap -> al_grab_font_from_bitmap
> al_font_init -> al_init_font_addon or al_init_text
> al_font_is_compatible_font remove this?
> al_font_load_font -> al_load_font
> al_font_load_bitmap_font -> al_load_bitmap_font
> al_font_register_font_file_type -> al_register_font_file_type
> al_font_text_height -> al_get_font_height or al_get_line_height
> al_font_text_width -> al_get_text_width
> al_font_textout -> al_print or al_textout or al_draw_text
> al_font_textprintf -> al_printf
> al_ttf_get_text_dimensions -> al_get_text_dimensions
> al_ttf_load_font -> al_load_ttf_font

Or find a way to let al_ttf use al_load_font, much like bitmap loaders will (SHOULD) share al_load_bitmap.

> --
> Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>
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