[AD] path and fshooks

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I'm wondering if

bool al_getcwd(size_t len, char *buf)
int32_t al_readdir(ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY *dir, size_t size, char *name)
bool al_get_entry_name(ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY *fp, size_t size, char *buf)

should be

ALLEGRO_PATH *al_getcwd(void)
ALLEGRO_PATH *al_get_entry_name(ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY *fp)


For al_getcwd, the reason would be that you don't have to mess with buffer size limitations yourself. I know we said we don't want to use ALLEGRO_USTR in the API of functions which are not related to strings - but ALLEGRO_PATH seems to be ideal for al_getcwd, it does return a path after all.

In the case of al_readdir, we already discussed the problem once that on some Unix systems, filenames can have an unknown encoding. By giving users an ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY instead of a filename, things would always keep working as the filename itself isn't needed to do something with the file.

For al_get_entry_name, again ALLEGRO_PATH seems ideal. In addition to the advantages like with al_getcwd, it removes any ambiguity as to whether only the filename portion or the whole path is returned (the user can choose themselves what they prefer). And since ALLEGRO_PATH is always encoded in UTF-8 a string returned from it can safely be passed to al_textprintf or any other Allegro functions.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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