Re: [AD] XIM input

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On 2009-03-25, Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter Wang wrote:
> > It doesn't seem to work for me.  In other programs I can use the Compose
> > key to generate non-ASCII characters but it doesn't do anything in
> > ex_keyboard_events.  Do I need to set something up?
> > 
> It works here, e.g. Compose + ' + e results in é here.
> Does it work in xev (and in A4) for you?

Yes to both.

> I based the XIM code on xev.c 
> from X11 - and the only difference to A4 now is that there's no more 
> call to setlocale and that I don't specify a "focus window" to XIM any 
> longer.

I'll try that later.


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