Re: [AD] Should al_set_mouse_xy generate events?

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On 28 feb 2009, at 10:01, Anders Andersson wrote:
I think that when you use the function you should get a mouse axes
event just like you had moved the mouse there.

What's the advantage of that?

In my program I just ignore that event by checking if the event I got
is pointing to the coordinates I set.

You can do that too by just ignoring the ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_WARPED event. No special code or checks needed in your code. Think of it this way: you're adding extra code to work around a problem in the library. The better solution is to fix the library (especially now that we can).

People may want to use that mouse axes event, I think it's unnecesary
to do anything special.

You don't have to do anything special. Just respond to ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_WARPED in the same way as you would respond to an AXES event, as in the example snippet I posted.

Possibly you may add a flag in the event.

As I said, hacky.


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