Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11579] allegro/branches/4.9

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On 2009-02-10, Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a different problem, I can build current SVN with "make", but not
> with "make -j". If I set WANT_DOCS to 0, it works, so I suspect it's
> also a problem with the docs generation.
> Building C object CMakeFiles/allegro.dir/src/dtor.c.o
> [  2%] [  2%] [  2%] Generating man/al_set_memory_management_functions.3
> /home/elias/prog/allegro/4.9/build/r/docs/texi/changes-4.9.texi:93: Misplaced {.
> /home/elias/prog/allegro/4.9/build/r/docs/texi/changes-4.9.texi:93: Misplaced }.
> /home/elias/prog/allegro/4.9/build/r/docs/texi/changes-4.9.texi:93: Unmatched }.

I didn't see this last night.  I guess your problem is also due to an
old version of pandoc.  I've added a check so we don't try to use the
texinfo backend with an old version of pandoc.  However you won't get
the CHANGES-4.9.txt file which is produced by generating texinfo then
run through makeinfo --plaintext.  (The improvement over the source file
changes-4.9.txt is marginal, of course.)


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