Re: [AD] File to test different screen modes

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Nobody thinks this might be a useful thing to add?

On 30/12/2008, you wrote:

> I don't know if anyone is interested in this, but I have attached a
> small example file that I found very useful while developing my Allegro
> port.  I found that getting a graphics driver that would work just
> right with lots of different screen resolutions, screen depths and
> windowed -vs- full screen modes, and that would also successfully be
> able to allow code to *read* from the screen, was quite difficult.
> This is because I was using slightly different methods of accessing the
> screen memory depending on the depth and resolution, in order to allow
> direct screen access in modes where it was allowed, while using an off
> screen bitmap in modes where it wasn't.
> Getting all of these modes to work *and* to be able to successfully
> read back from the memory was quite tricky.  This test is a good
> regression test to make sure you have everything working right (and
> that it stays working if you change anything).
> I don't know if anyone is interested, but it's attached if you are.
>  I've tried to follow the Allegro coding style.
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