[AD] New Allegro PSP 4.3.10plus patch

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Hi there,
I send you the patch for the Allegro 4.3.10plus with the PSP port.
This time all the drivers are implemented except the mouse. It supports the 8, 15, 16 and the 32 bpp modes, video bitmaps with its own drawing surface, virtual screens, scroll, page flipping, triple buffering, accelerated blitting from RAM/VRAM to RAM/VRAM and the magic main.
The scaling support of the prior version has been deleted from the public release, so the maximum driver resolution is the one supported by the PSP.

The building scripts only build the different versions of the library plus the psp-allegro-config script.

I've tested the following Allegro programs:
1) The exhello, exmem, exupdate, exscroll, exsprite, expal, exbitmap, exflip, extimer and exdbuf examples compile and work as expected without any source code modification.
2) The exaccel and ex3dbuf examples work adapting to the PSP the initial resolution.
3) In exjoy the install_keyboard() call must be deleted to work as expected in the PSP.

Finally the demos/shooter program is fully playable although the -jumpstart commandline option must be passed.

The build instructions and details of the version are in this HTML document generated with the Allegro makedoc utility:


Tell me if that english text is not very well written and needs some fixes :)
Its source text is located in docs/src/build/psp._tx


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