Re: [AD] Code consistency across platforms

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On 17-Dec-08, at 11:12 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
I insist on the prefixes.

Ok. I don't mind them, I just don't think they're necessary.

I don't really mind.  But please rename the OS X files to give them
prefixes :)

Can do.
I'll probably leave the "qz" prefixed ones.

Yes.  We already did some of it.

Ok, great.

Another thing which I'd like to see more of is prefixes on static
functions to make them unique.  It makes reading, grepping and
navigating the code that much easier.

Not to mention, it makes the naming conventions in the code more consistent. Quickly looking through the source, I think about half the static functions in the OS X code use the "osx_" prefix, the rest do not; I think I prefixed all global internal functions "_al_osx" now. Not sure about the other platforms.


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