Re: [AD] Allegro 4.3 + autotools

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On November 23, 2008, Matěj Týč wrote:
> > I am not a big fan of autotools or libtool.
> OK, so slightly another question: If I send a patch that creates a
> functional and documented autotools-based build system for Allegro 4.3,
> is it going to be accepted? It is important for me to know whether to
> continue working on it, so if anybody here thinks that autotools =>
> "unconditional rejection", it would be highly beneficial that these
> persons say that now...
> Regards,
> Matej

4.3 already supports autotools, and I don't think it should "go away". I don't 
know if a wholesale replacement of the current autotools setup will be 
accepted as-is, we'll probably want you to make changes here and there, and re 
document how to build with it on all platforms it supports. That said, don't 
remove the current makefile setup for any of the supported platforms. We can't 
force people to move wholesale to MSYS on windows just because we wanted a 
slightly cleaner autotools build system.

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