Re: [AD] END_OF_MAIN removal patch for msvc

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On 16 Nov 2008, at 18:09, torhu wrote:
I've had some trouble building allegro 5 on msvc, but now I've got it working. So I've attached a patch which makes END_OF_MAIN just an empty macro on msvc.

Cool. Is there a similar way to do it for MinGW?

1) This means that apps built with allegro 5 on msvc will by default have a console window. But this is what happens on other Windows compilers already, at least mingw does this. So how to disable the console will definitely become a FAQ for msvc users. Adding the required linker option to allegro headers is an option. See below.

  #pragma comment(linker,"/SUBSYSTEM:windows").

Not sure I like this, though.  Seems a bit over the top, or what?

Shouldn't that be #ifndef?
Anyway, I personally generally dislike #pragma's, but in this case I'll go practical and say I have no opinion either way. If we want to be newbie-friendly it might be a good idea to have it (my suspicion is there'll be more newbies using MSVC than MinGW).

2) This opens up the possibility to remove ALLEGRO_USE_CONSOLE and ALLEGRO_CONSOLE_OK. They're only useful on Windows. Other platforms always define ALLEGRO_CONSOLE_OK, and ignore ALLEGRO_USE_CONSOLE.

ALLEGRO_CONSOLE_OK is defined if printf() can be meaningfully used, right? (Obviously subject to whether the program was started from a GUI or not). I can't say I've ever cared about or used either, so the implication of pulling these isn't very clear to me.

3) OS X and QNX uses END_OF_MAIN to get hold of the address of _mangled_main. A different solution needed?

As far as I understand the situation on OS X (someone correct me if I'm wrong), the problem is that on OS X messages can only be received from the main thread. So either we need to have the user respond to the messages themselves (obviously not desirable for a multi-platform library like Allegro), or we hijack the main thread and run the user main() from a thread we create ourselves. This is what the magic main does on OS X. As far as I know, there have been a few attempts to work around this, but there doesn't seem to be a good solution.

  And is ALLEGRO_WITH_MAGIC_MAIN needed?  It's off by default.

It might be on *NIX, if there's no other way to grab the commandline arguments (which are needed to get the executable path). Disclaimer: this is the case in 4.2/3, I don't know if this is still true of 4.9 of the top of my head.


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