Re: [AD] Disable screensaver

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On Fri, 31 Oct 2008, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

As for implementing it, I looked into this once for Linux for one of my games that is almost completely controlled by the gamepad - which didn't prevent the screensaver from taking over the screen. I think first of all it depends on which screensaver is used (xscreensaver, kscreensaver, others?). Secondly for the one I looked into, the way to disable it seemed to be sending repeated messages to the screensaver through its message system (I got this from looking at the source for mplayer). I suppose this can be done from a background thread but it sounds rather annoying. On the other hand, it means we don't need to worry about restoring the screensaver afterwards. Of course, we can always document which screensavers we know how to disable and say we accept fixes for others.

What about ?

Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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