Re: [AD] 4.9.6

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On Sunday 05 October 2008, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On 5 Oct 2008, at 04:17, Peter Hull wrote:
> > In my mind the most important thing is to merge the fshook branch, the
> > the API is complete (I think) and we just need to work on implementing
> > missing functions in the platform-specific parts (for Mac, anyway,
> > others may already be done)
> >
> > The other thing is a more comprehensive 'test' program that we can use
> > to check all parts of the API are working properly. That's quite a job
> > in itself.
> I would like to add:
>   * Cleaning up the naming scheme of kcm_audio (I can do this)
>   * Improving allegro5-config. I've looked at this a little bit
> (which reminds me, I need to commit a small cosmetic fix to
> CMakeLists.txt). The problem is that, right now, allegro5-config --
> libs gives me
> -L/Users/eglebbk/lib -lallegd_s-4.9.5 /System/Library/Frameworks/
> AppKit.framework /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework /System/
> Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework /System/Library/Frameworks/
> AGL.framework
> which is wrong (note that there is a version number on
> allegd_s-4.9.5, that was missing originally but it is present in the
> library name itself). Instead of listing the location of the
> frameworks it should say -framework OpenGL etc. CMake gets this right
> when compiling the examples, but for allegro5-config we grab the list
> of detected libraries from CMake itself, rather than the linker
> options CMake produces based on that list. Here I need a bit of help
> from someone who knows more about CMake than I do: how would I get
> that list of linker options from CMake?
> As I've already mentioned, I'd also like `allegro5-config --libs --
> addon audio ttf iio...`, because that will a) safe me from having to
> work out what those are called and more importantly b) mean I don't
> have to figure out what external dependancies those depend on (-
> framework OpenAL comes to mind). That's again something I can do,
> once I've figured out the previous bit.

I think we should think about seeing what a package-kit spec will take to 
make. Many IDEs in OSS land support package-kit right out of the box, and will 
let you select package-kit libs from a list, and auto configure based on the 
spec. CMake also supports package-kit natively, so other projects that use 
CMake don't have to do anything by hand. Though I'm not quite sure how we can 
work in the addons with package-kit.

> Another issue I'd like to bring up is documentation. Not for 4.9.6,
> but longer term (5.0, though we'll want to get this sorted out well
> before then).
> I probably missed part of the discussion here over the past few
> months, so if someone has a link to point me too, that's fine too.
> There are two things: the documentation itself and the format its in.
> To start with the latter. Right now in docs we have the naturaldocs.
> That's ok, they look much better than most of the automatic from-
> source documentation that I've seen (*cough*doxygen*cough*), however,
> they are just HTML. Do we plan to provide documentation in the form
> of man and info pages as well (count me in for a vote to do that), if
> so how do we generate those? Windows users probably want .chm
> documentation, which I guess you get from the .html docs. This is
> mostly something to think about.
> By the way, is it just me or is there generated content in the
> repository? Despite not having touched anything in docs/ myself I got
> a message that there were local changes during at least one svn update.
> The second issue is the content. Right now what's there is mostly ok,
> but a bit rough. From a user perspective, I don't like the
> distinction "Include" and "Src", which are more meaningful to people
> working *on* Allgro as opposed to *with* Allegro. The organisation
> into categories could be better, right now there doesn't seem to have
> been much organised thought into what goes where.
> Function descriptions are ok in as far as they're there, but a bit
> short. Allegro 4's documentation often has a Return value: heading,
> which I think is a must have. Even if it's blatantly obvious. Another
> thing that's missing are cross references, for instance from
> al_set_keyboard_leds() to "Keyboard modifier flags". Many of the
> "chapters" lack an introductory text, such as the "Events" section
> under Src/Release has (odd place for it in my opinion).
> So, is there a big plan when it comes to the documentation?
> Personally, I like A4's documentation in that
>   * It begins with a general section "using Allegro" that gives a
> quick overview
>   * Has chapters on each topic that again start with a quick
> overview, before going into function descriptions.
>   * Has a few general sections
> I think these are ideas we should keep.
> I can write out a proposal for how I'd do this, but again I'm not up
> to speed on what the current consensus is. Besides, does anyone even
> read e-mails that are this long?

If they are easy enough to read ;) or they (the person and the email) are 
important enough...

> Evert
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