Re: [AD] Patch to change the logfile name (4.3.10)

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On 24/10/2008, you wrote:


>> So I added a #define in include/allegro/internal/aintern.h thus:
>> #define ALLEGRO_LOGFILE_NAME "allegro.log"
>> And changed src/allegro.c to use it.  So if a platform wants to change
>> the log file name they can simply #undef and then re#define it in
>> their platform specific header file (the one defined by
>> ALLEGRO_INTERNAL_HEADER in the platform's *cfg.h file).
> I don't think it needs to be that complicated.  In src/allegro.c you
> could just have:
>     #ifdef ALLEGRO_AMIGA
>   #define LOGFILE "blahblah"
>     #else
>   #define LOGFILE "allegro.log"
>     #endif

Well I could do that, sure.  But I would have thought that you would want to
reduce platform specific #ifdefs in generic code, or else you could end up
with dozens of them.  My method is more complex but it keeps things more

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