Re: [AD] Window messages patch

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On Wed, October 15, 2008 7:57 pm, Peter Wang said:
>> So is it ok to apply to 4.3?
> Yes, but for the minor formatting issures and missing documentation.
> Peter

As I was applying the patch, I realized there's a flaw in it so I
had to change it a bit. The original patch had the Allegro wndproc
return 0 if no further processing was needed, but the return value
for "no further processing" depends on the event. So I added an
extra int * parameter to the user callback for it to fill in a
proper return value. So if no further processing is needed, it
should fill in that int * and return 0, and then the Allegro wndproc
will return that return value.

Trent :{)>

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