Re: [AD] user-defined events

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On 2008-09-29, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I tried not to specify when /exactly/ the user would free the data. Since it 
> is user specific, they will need to keep track of it, and be told that 
> multiple events may point to the same data. If we can't handle this special 
> case in a not too clever manner, we probably shouldn't.
> I can see cases where the user is just passing a handle around, and won't 
> actually want to free it right away (after getting the initial message). its 
> just a convenient way to pass a specific structure to the handler.
> Lets try not to think of this data as anything allegro should actually care 
> about (It probably shouldn't, it could be anything).

Ok, it wasn't clear before.  We're saying the same thing.


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