Re: [AD] length-restricted text routines

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On 2008-09-13, Chris Robinson <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Saturday 13 September 2008 09:24:39 pm Peter Wang wrote:
> > Can anyone think of a good use for the _count versions of textprintf_*
> > functions?
> Some programming languages don't end strings with a NULL char and instead have 
> a length value (like D). Those languages would potentially make a copy to 
> pass to "normal" C string functions. Or if you only want to print a section 
> of a string, you can just add the offset to the pointer and adjust the length 
> accordingly, without having to copy. I could see it particularly being useful 
> for handling multi-line text.

Yes, for the textout functions, but for textprintf?  I'm finding it hard
to think of a use case.


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