Re: [AD] 4.9.4 build on MSVC8(2005)

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AJ wrote:
MSVC8, CMake 2.6.1

so far, following the build instructions, im in the IDE, and i can hit compile. its failing to find DirectX files, so i typically add them to the project settings, in Project Settings > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories. however adding it to the plethora of projects is far too tedios, is there a way to set this pre-cmake so its set for all projects ?

There is a way to add that path permanently to MSVC. Somewhere in (non project) settings... Tool -> Settings, sometihng like that...


directX SDK is aug07.

link errors:

allegro.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol al_d3d_get_device

I guess that cmake didn't detect D3D and ALLEGRO_CFG_D3D is not #defined in include/allegro5/platform/alplatf.h.

I had to add DXSDK's include and lib dirs to INCLUDE and LIB env. variables. Also added DXSDK\Utilities\Bin to %PATH%. Did similar with PlatformSDK.

I'm not sure if it's even supposed to build if it doesn't detect DXSDK.

Milan Mimica

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