Re: [AD] white space changes... |
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On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 14:20 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> I know its nice to have a consistent code style, but someone has gone and run
> indent or some other program, or done a bunch of manual white space fixups
> thats really messing with merging.
> Is it possible to cut down on this sort of thing? Or at least do it at some
> point where its less likely to make other's work much more tedious?
I announced yesterday I would be doing it.. and since nobody complained
I went ahead. Basically all the iio files had messed up formatting, so
there seemed to be no difference to me between just fixing jpg.c or
fixing the whole iio addon.
Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>