Re: [AD] Plans for Allegro 4.9.5

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On Friday 12 September 2008, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2008-09-13, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > What can we aim for in, say, one month?  I would like to see:
> >
> > - fs hooks integrated
> > - panning support in kcm_audio
> > - move bitmap file type registration to core
> > - usual assorted fixes
> >
> > The fs hooks branch is way out of date and the history is simply a mess.

Yeah, sorry about that, I messed up a couple merges ::) I've since learned how 
to do it properly ;) and every time I work on it, I update it again.

> > I think I'll just copy the latest versions of the fshook* files, get
> > that to compile then go from there.
> I'm not sure I understand the fs hooks.  There are two vtables: the
> system vtable, and the entry vtable.  The system vtable lets you
> override stuff like checking if a file exists, opening a file, changing
> the working directory, etc.  Fine.
> The entry vtable should let you override the reading and writing of the
> contents of the "file".  But al_fs_set_hook only lets you override each
> method once.  How would you write a program that is able to read off
> disk *and* out of a memory block?

I've since changed the code to add a vtable pointer to each AL_FS_ENTRY, and 
special file types like mem files will need a separate open function (so you can 
pass in the mem block) like al_fs_open_mem().

> I have an idea, but it's not consistent with the entry vtable being "totally 
> internal".

I did mention that I need to clean it up.

Please wait for me to clean it all up before applying. What should be ready 
though is the al_get_dir stuff, except it needs to be changed to use 
stdio/win32/osxwhatever specific functions instead of al_fs_ functions.

> Peter

Thomas Fjellstrom

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