[AD] Audio plugin function names

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Right now in the audio plugin, functions are named
al_sample_play, al_sample_stop, al_voice_destroy, al_sample_data_destroy etc. Shouldn't those be called al_play_sample, al_stop_sample, al_destroy_voice, al_destroy_sample_data etc. to be consistent with the rest of the API? The accodec plugin has "al_load_sample", which does follow the "verb_noun" naming pattern. Right now the audio plugin(s) doesn't (don't) seem to follow a consistent naming scheme, neither internally nor when compared to the rest of the library. If we want "al_addon_verb_noun" (as in "al_font_load_font", which admittedly isn't the prettiest name out there) then maybe it should be "al_audio_play_sample" etc.
Right now it's a bit jarring compared with the rest of the API.


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