Re: [AD] user-defined events

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On 26 Sep 2008, at 20:58, Peter Wang wrote:
Here is a proposal for allowing user-defined events.

Looks ok to me.


I don't know. What would be the benefit? Maybe it'd just be a cosmetic thing?

Aside: I'm considering simplifying some of the internals (again) by
allocating events inside event *queues* instead of event sources. So an event source registered with two queues would create two copies of each
event, one in each queue.  The upside is that we get rid of some ugly
reference counting, which is only needed for such a rare situation.

I actually do that in the program I'm working on: when exiting it pops up a window asking whether you want to quit or not. That window uses its own event queue. I think I only did that because I was playing around anyway, I could have just reused the original queue. If it makes the code simpler, go for it!

You wouldn't need al_allocate_user_event() then. Instead, you'd allocate
an event on the stack and fill it in.  It would be copied into each
event queue when you call al_emit_user_event().

I think that makes sense, actually. However, it does sound like it might require a lot of (fairly simple) changes throughout the library?

+/* XXX Currently we have no formal way to allocate event type numbers. */
+#define MY_EVENT_TYPE   1025

True, and we probably want one. Even if we define ALLEGRO_EVENT_ABOVE_HERE_FREE_FOR_USERS (or something like that), it's possible addons will want to use a range of event types as well.

How about the following: we make a function where a user can request the free "base number" for a range of events (say, 10), eg,
int my_first_event = al_get_event_range(10);
The user can then freely use numbers in the range my_first_event+0 through my_first_event+9. The only downside is that users can't use a switch statement to identify their events.

+typedef struct ALLEGRO_USER_EVENT
+   void *data1;
+   void *data2;
+   void *data3;
+   void *data4;

I know I said providing the user with one pointer would be fine, so I can't reasonably complain when you give them 4, but I do think the common case might be that you want one or two integers to pass informmation along. Maybe we can have two of those as well?


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