Re: [AD] Patch to fix calls to _AL_FREE(0) in src/config.c (4.3.10)

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On 24/09/2008, you wrote:
>> Please find attached a small patch to fix a problem my memory tracker
>> picked up in 4.3.10.  In src/config.c:config_cleanup() it was trying
>> to free config_argv and argv_buf with _AL_FREE() when they were set to
>> NULL. I assume that _AL_FREE() follows the same semantics as free() so
>> this is therefore illegal.
> Standard free() lets you free NULL pointers. It no-ops.

You know you are absolutely right.  For no less than 15 years I've thought
it illegal to pass NULL to free() - I guess someone told me that, and a man
page like malloc() or free() isn't something that you tend to come back to
very often.

And now I know it's legal - who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? 

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