Re: [AD] kcm_audio and acodec

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On 2008-08-23, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> acodec addon contains some useful examples and and there is nothing broken with 
> it, unlike with audio addon. kcm_audio lacks any decent examples and doesn't use 
> acodec.
> Should I make acodec and its examples use kcm_audio? If yes, should I do it just 
> by renaming kcm_audio to audio? It is going to be renamed eventually, isn't it? 
> So why bother with first converting acodec to kcm_audio and then to (renamed) audio.

I see you've converted acodec to kcm_audio already.

I wasn't sure what was the right way to go and am planning to tinker
with the API a bit, leaving audio in place at least for a short while.
I think there is some stuff from audio to salvage.  Besides, I kind of
like the name kcm_audio ;-)


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