Re: [AD] Font drawing bug

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On Fri, August 8, 2008 4:22 am, Peter Hull said:
> As you may have seen on I asked some people to test the
> A5
> demo on OS X.
> There was a problem with font rendering which I tracked down to
> a5font_grab_font_from_bitmap. This function copies an input bitmap
> then chops out all the glyphs into subbitmaps. What I found was that
> the new copy is full of garbage so when the input bitmap is copied
> over it, the garbage remains if the input is translucent.
> I've solved it by clearing the bitmap first, but, before I commit
> it,
> should the fix instead be that _all_ bitmaps be blanked when they
> are
> created?
> Pete

What do you mean by "blanked"? Presently all bitmaps have their data
set to 0s unless the driver creates the bitmap memory itself. So I
think the answer is, yes, they should all be blanked.

Trent :{)>

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