Re: [AD] Addons

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On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 14:13 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> On Friday 22 August 2008, Peter Hull wrote:
> > I'm just working my way through the changes resulting from the great
> > A4 purge (!) I have a question on addons - a lot of the examples now
> > need the iio and font addons to do very simple things. In my mind,
> > some parts of those addons should be in the core - for example the
> > code to register and select an image loader should be in the core,
> > leaving the implementations (equivalents of jpgalleg and alpng etc) to
> > go in the addon.
> That would be my preference as well, but its not really important where they 
> go. One works as well as the other.

Speaking of addons, the function names need to be cleaned up. E.g. the
current al_load_sample and al_sample_destroy really won't work :P Some

A) addons live in the al_ name space, so it would be


B) addons use an unrelated prefix, like currently e.g. the font addon
does with its a5font_ prefix or the iio addon with the iio_ prefix - so
it might be:


C) Use al_<addon>_ as prefix, so it would be:


Naming is not really important for now though either, so if there's no
clear consensus we can just keep the current ones and complete the
actual functionality first (e.g. the audio addon needs to have most of
the original design brought back - I think now simplifying it so much
that we can't even do our own mixing and effects went too far).

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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