Re: [AD] variadic al_create_queue

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On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 20:21 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> What you do you think about a variant of al_create_queue() which takes a
> list of event sources to register?
>     queue = al_create_queue_register(display, al_get_keyboard(),
> 	al_get_mouse(), timer, NULL);
> Might reduce boilerplate a bit.

Sounds good to me.

I'd also like a way to reduce all the *init calls, maybe something like:


or maybe

al_init("keyboard", "mouse", "joystick", "iio", "font", "kcm_audio", NULL)

The latter once would allow finding addons at runtime. There also would
be a shortcut forum:

al_init(ALLEGRO_ALL) or al_init("all", NULL)

Personally, I would then always use the all variant :) But nobody would
be forced, al_init(0/NULL) would keep working.

For addons, I think we might want to adopt the old modules mechanism
(all of which are gone now I think). So al_init("iio") could actually
try to locate <allegro-modules-path>/ and try to initialize
it, just like it worked with modules in A4 - I think that would make
linking much easier.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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