Re: [AD] Exorcising END_OF_MAIN for Allegro 5

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On July 14, 2008, Peter Hull wrote:
> On 7/14/08, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > The problem used to be that one of the Mac libraries needed to take over
> > the main thread, so we had to relegate the user's code to another
> > thread.  I hope it has changed.
> Right, the OS will only deliver events to the main thread but in
> Allegro 4 there was nowhere in the user's code where we could reliably
> receive and dispatch the events. Magic main is used to run the user's
> main() in a second thread. A5 uses the same design at the moment. We
> could get around this if we require the user to call al_wait_for_event
> regularly (which I think is not the current case) or figure out some
> way to return from al_init but in a different thread (longjmp,
> ucontext or similar)

So we aren't making people use the new event system? that would be the optimal 
place to handle OS events...

> Pete
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