Re: [AD] HackDay June 7

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* weird bugs in masked blit with pink not getting masked properly. 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.3.10.

* 64bit compile issues

* msvc9 support (whatever/if-anything)  that might mean.

* more death to the other end.. msvc6 / watcom / be / whatever else is redundant and needs amputation.

Ryan Dickie wrote:
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As usual HackDay is scheduled for the first Saturday of the month,
so we will meet June 7th at 20:00 UTC. See the wiki for the time in
your timezone. We meet in #allegro-dev on FreeNode.

Trent :{)>

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The only topic so far is the naturaldocs. I know we've been meaning to
change for a while and I would love to know what the situation is so i
can start documenting the audio stuff.

There must surely be other topics people are interested in!?


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