[AD] fshook vtable locations?

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I have a small problem,

I am thinking of placing the fshook vtables (lots and lots of new hooks, it 
would bloat the heck out of the system vtable itself) as a pointer in the 
system vtable, much like the input and other secondary vtables.

My issue is that these are functions that a person would like to use before 
the system vtable is setup, in allegro itself, and in applications using 
allegro. This is hard to do, if its dependant on the system vtable being 

Should I worry about it? My al_get_path depends on the fshook api, so it can't 
be used before the fshook api is setup, which if it depends on the system 
vtable, depends on that as well.

What does everyone else think? Should it store the vtables as a global? Or as 
a system vtable entry?

Thomas Fjellstrom

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